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Agent Name: Alex Koelsche


About Us 

We are a Faith-Based Direct Lending, Real Estate, and Loss Mitigation Legal Clinic. We are focused on financial literacy to minimize homelessness in the communities. We are comprised of Mortgage Bankers, Real Estate Brokers, Consumer Defense Attorneys, Loss Mitigation Experts, Retired CPA’s and Consumer Advocates. We use a state of the art proprietary loss mitigation software. We offer various comprehensive services and products at ZERO cost to the consumer (FREE) that is typically being sold for thousands of dollars by ‘for profit’ companies. Nonprofit Alliance of Consumer Advocates asks clients to pledge a generous tax-deductible donation to a separate reputable & vetted Nonprofit that helps feed and house homeless Veterans, Children, and/or the Elderly, only upon us being successful in achieving our clients desired goals. We offer ALL our services at ZERO cost.

Our Federally Approved 501c3 Certificate

Our D.B.A below showing our 501c3 status

Contact Us

Our Southern-California Location.

Our Washington Location.​

Our Nevada Location. ​

Our Arizona Location.